Saturday, July 23, 2011

Where do I start...

"Beat the Reaper" by Josh Bazell is... brutal? Ruthless? Don't read it if you have a weak stomach, particularly because of the extremely detailed part where the narrator slices his leg open, breaks his own bone and then rips it out to use it as a weapon. Yeah, that really happens in this book. I'm not complaining; I stayed up all night to finish the last 150 pages because I couldn't stand not knowing what would happen next. It's also really funny, witty, sardonic. The narrative is split between the main character recounting his youth when he became an orphan and was informally adopted by a mob family who ends up hiring him as their best hit man, and the present where he's working as a Doctor and is in the witness protection program for obvious reasons. There's so many jaw-dropping moments in this book I don't even know where to start, and I don't want to give away any of the good parts. Just read it.

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