Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More Non-fiction (?)

"Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," by John Berendt, was a #1 national bestseller. It takes place in the old southern town of Savannah, Georgia, and exposes the odd and eccentric residents as well as their dirty laundry. The book covers everything from transvestites to suicides, crimes of passion, murder, sweet southern belles and high society. If this book wasn't non-fiction, it might be kind of dull. But the fact that all these strange things really happened makes it far more intriguing. What bothered me was the author's note that he may have stretched the truth in some places in order to tell a fluent, interesting story. Though the narrator is a bit boring and up-tight, the people he encounters are very much the opposite, making the book scandalous enough to be worth reading.

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